4 Surprising Places to Find Inspiration

In such a fast-moving world, it’s so important to stay centered. You might think creative ideas of yesteryear have very little impact in today’s innovative age. But you’d be wrong. Diving into your own mental attic can be a great place to find inspiration. However, maybe you are still feeling stuck.  

Your inspiration may change over time. Some inspiring things and people may be right in front of you. But others, like the ones here, may take a little digging to find their value.

Seek inspiration in these areas:

  • Historical figures with success stories. Much of the world as you know it today is because of contributions from historical figures. Many of them took bold steps that didn’t necessarily pay off. But their perseverance and creativity allowed them to become world-changers.
    • Spend some time researching these world-changers. Understand their beginnings, inspirations, challenges, and turning points. You may find some similarities between you and one of them.
    • Use those similarities to drive your own inspirations. Relate what you learned to modern day nuances and you can push the envelope of writing innovation.
  • Inventions before their time. You’ve likely heard the phrase, “think outside the box” before. However, this is probably the first time you’ll be applying it to your plan for innovation.
    • Some of the greatest inventors introduced concepts before the world was even ready for them. These inventions can serve as inspirations for you.
    • Are there ideas in your bedside journal that you felt were too silly to share with anyone? Remember that once your creative ideas are fascinating enough, they can appeal to others. It can convince them that it’s actually something they want to read.
  • Nature. Look through your window and you’ll see nature all around you. It’s beautiful and intricate. Things that are so specially made are often great sources of inspiration. 
    • Look at the colors, shapes and behaviors of nature. Whether plants, animals, or seasons, their uniqueness inspires interest from science and novices alike. Many innovations that stand out take inspiration from elements of nature.
    • Consider how they were created. You may not have all the answers, but that’s okay. What it teaches you is that complexity breeds creativity!
  • People who are overcoming trying obstacles. Their challenges are incomparable and difficult. Yet, they continue to push through with the aim of finding clear skies at the end of the road. If you can lay your eyes on someone like that, you’ll likely get all the inspiration you need!
    • How do they keep moving forward? Are there special strategies they employ? When things seem impossible, the people who create a new path are the ones that change the face of the future.
    • What you’ll realize is that bumps in the road don’t push you one step back. If you really want the prize, those bumps can push you one step further. That drive to succeed creates a spirit of fearlessness and boldness. That’s what you need to be innovative!

These sources can provide the inspiration you need to be creative. Take a different approach. That’s a surefire way to stand out from everyone else. You can expect great results when you elevate the thought process for innovative thinking…and writing! 

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